February 2020

Well, the rest of 2019 went by almost as fast as the first half.

We went to Salem Art festival in July. That was really fun. We camped in the van in a field that was reserved for artists. We ate dinner each night and breakfast each morning in the awesome restaraunts in Salem’s downtown. We spent some time with Robin’s cousin Fred and his wife Laura. It was very fun to see them. Between breakfast and dinner, we hung out in the booth under the giant oak trees and sold bowls and other turnings to the awesome patrons who frequent the art festival.

We also bought a painting from Bend artist https://artist-barton-degraaf.myshopify.com and traded him a redwood vessel for part of the sale.

In November, we were in the Audubon Society Wild Arts Festival in Portland. That was a really great experience and we met some really nice people and sold some art. For that show, I added chopsticks to my collection. People really like those. We also bought some more art.

In October, we went on vacation along the coast of Oregon and Northern California. That was a really great trip. We brought back a fair bit of wood that I will make into bowls and other art pieces. And we visited a bunch of galleries along the way. Some of our favorites include:

Korbly Wood Products - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Korbly-Wood-Products/168769099802595

Mossy Creek Pottery near Salishan - https://www.mossycreekpottery.com

The Hawthorne Gallery and Redfish Restaurant in Port Orford - https://www.hawthornegallery.com/contact-us

Arcata Artisans in Arcata California - home of Humbolt State - http://www.arcataartisans.com

Just before we left for vacation, I decided to start painting with acrylics. I painted a wood bowl and really liked making art with color. On vacation, Robin and I painted outside occasionally and I am hooked.

You can see some of my paintings on my website under the menu item, Wood and Paint.

This winter, Robin and I are taking a painting class at the Drawing Studio in Portland. It is three hours on Thursday nights for ten weeks. Hopefully I learn more about mixing colors and and painting from observation.

Finally, I entered several shows again this year. We’ll see if I get in - Edmonds Art Festival, Salem Art Festival, Art in the Pearl, Art in the High Desert, Art in the Pearl, Wild Arts Festival, and Bellevue Arts Museum Art Fair.

I think that catches me up for now.